Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Me vs. the New World Order

Hello fellow Bloggonians!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines day with the one you love, if not, I hope you "love the one your with", as the old song goes!

Anyhoooo,  this is probably gonna' be a really short and sweet entry tonight, though hopefully, it will be sufficient.  I'm sure that now I've went through the fluff and initial warming up, that some are wondering where I stand in matters of more relevance to society and the great mission of mankind.

Let's just say I'm not Liberal, not what Conservatives call Conservatives these days, but am more of an anti-Globalist, struggling against the neo-con, uni-party that both political groups actually fit into these days.  If I get into politics, and even religion nowadays, I'm gonna' pretty much piss off the majority of people that are reading.  I could be wrong, as there seems to be somewhat of an awakening of "free thinkers" these days, but most are afraid of being ridiculed and called "conspiracy theorist" or worse.

This will be my only real political post, but I want it to resonate my true feelings and beliefs.  Our government, and indeed the global political landscape has been manipulated by George Soros (,, and others of the global "elite" into a grand impending showdown of monumental proportions.

Our national sovereignty, and individual freedoms mean absolutely nothing to these vultures and their cronies.
I'm not the best at conveying the complete and total truth in these matters, because I become too emotional and tend to interject my frustration and usually do more damage than good.  But what I will do is leave you, my fellow Bloggonians and citizens, the resources to see the REAL news, unedited by our government run media. and are two very reliable sources to open your mind to the tyranny that is and has been unfolding  in our country and the world for entirely too long!

Okay, I'm off my soap box, (for now), and am calling it a night.

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