Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Some Truth and a Whole Lot of Lies

Hello fellow Bloggonians!  I don't have any pressing issues that are on my mind, so I'll just share a little of what's been going on in my world as of late.  My beloved Carolina Tarheels fell to the Florida State Seminoles in the ACC tournament, Peyton Manning is still window shopping for his next team, Randy Moss is going to be a Forty-Niner, politicians are cranking out the promises and lies, and I'm roughly thirteen weeks away from being a dad again!  I did, however exercise my right to a little mid-life crisis tomfoolery by getting my first tattoo.  It was a good experience, but I'm not sure if it's addictive as everyone says, or maybe I just started too late.  I think compared to some of the things I've seen men, (as well as women), do in their mid-lives, that a tattoo is pretty mild, especially these days when everyone and their brother has one.

There is one topic out there now in "current events" that troubles me somewhat.  The whole "Kony 2012" craze that's sweeping the internet and world at large under the guise of human rights activism.  For anyone who may have not heard, a video went viral on Youtube a couple of  weeks ago, NGO Invisible Children's Kony 2012  tells of Joseph Kony a devious Ugandan warlord who is notorious for kidnapping children and forcing them to serve in his Lord's Resistance Army (LRC).  

The unfortunate fact is that Kony hasn't been in Uganda for at least 5 years and is believed by many to be dead.  So why would one exiled, possibly dead, evil warlord suddenly be cast into the forefront of media attention and is now being compared to Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, and being called on by the usual array of "humanitarian" celebrities demanding that our government intervene and become involved in yet another conflict when there are still numerous warlords in Uganda that are very easily found operating in the same way that Kony has?  Is it possible he is the new "smoking gun" that will never be found, like the WMD's in Iraq?

Could it be that the land he's supposedly still in control of is rich in oil and "blood diamonds", or that it is a good central-command jumping off point for the re-colonization of Africa.  I guess I can hope against hope that there is a legitimate effort going on in this situation, but it smells a whole lot like Iraq, Bosnia, Serbia, Libya, etc.etc..  

In closing I'll leave you with an article from my favorite news outlet, infowars.com which has several other very informative links attached on the subject and ask that you, the free-thinking Bloggonians at least read it with an open mind and not the mind that has been force-fed by the government controlled media for so long. 

Also, here's a little Tool with a song that I believe is relevant with this topic, "Right In Two" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzB9XCrwvMk&feature=related


  1. Interesting, I have not read the whole Kony thing but my daughter did. Thanks for posting.

  2. You spelled forcified wrong.
