Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lucky # 13

Welcome back friends and neighbors!  Running on very little sleep and a mild case of the "writers block", or rather "writers indecision", because I can think of several things to rant about, but sadly most of them would probably only make sense in my warped little mind.

I will mention that we are on week 5 until the baby arrives!  (If she holds out that long!)  Also, this coming Sunday will mark thirteen years that I've been happily married to my wonderful wife, Leslie.  I'm feeling pretty psyched about thirteen years, I can tell you that!  By today's standards that's like forty years, of course I would have to attribute a great deal of our success to Leslie's incredible patience and understanding.  Heaven knows I'm not the easiest person to live with at times!

She does have one major flaw though, that I cannot seem to get her to change.  I always tell her if anything ever happens to us it will be because of this terrible stain on her otherwise perfect character.  The unfortunate blemish I'm referring to is the fact that she can never go anywhere with me without harassing me about my driving!

I know that this may seem trivial to most, but it is something that has caused us many an argument on road trips, vacations, or just coming home from the grocery store.  "You're riding the white line", "You're gonna' miss the exit",  "You're too close to the yellow line", "Slow down and set your cruise control!", and my personal favorite "I'm just going to go to sleep, I can't watch"(while covering her eyes with her hand).

I was born and raised in Wilkes County, North Carolina, as I've mentioned before, the home of Nascar.  Driving fast is in our blood, it can't be helped.  "Set the cruise control", I bet Junior Johnson never set his cruise control!  I have had a few minor speeding tickets, but they're off my record by now, (I think).  I'm an exemplary driver, never mind that I've only had two cars in roughly twenty-five years of driving that I HAVEN'T wrecked, but they weren't ALL my fault!  All of those tickets and accidents served as building blocks to create the Master Driver that I have become today.

I am not alone in this plight, I can remember my poor Grandpa Hanks literally being screamed at by my Grandma Hanks when they were driving to town on Fridays.  She used to be on him from the time we left the house until we arrived back from our trek to town.  Sure he ran a car through the wall of the old First Union Bank when he was trying to park, but hey we all make mistakes.  Who puts a building so close to the sidewalk anyway?

On the comment "You're gonna' miss the exit", well maybe if you knew your rights from lefts and didn't wait until I was right at the exit, three lanes over before you reminded me, maybe we wouldn't be lost in the roughest neighborhood in the city.  It never fails, if I get lost, it's always in the shadiest part of whatever city or town I happen to be in.  I can't be responsible for driving and being the navigator, I have to focus on the traffic, the co-pilot is supposed to keep me on course.  (You know I can't blame MYSELF for missing a turn, that's just foolishness!)

Pray for us, so that we may work through this area of our relationship!

Of course I'm MOSTLY kidding.  We do tend to work on one another's nerves when we're on the open road, but like the old folks used to say "if that's the worst thing that happens to me, I'll live to be an old man".  I have always loved that quote, and use it frequently.  I honestly couldn't ask for a better marriage, at least from my perspective it's pretty darn sweet!

I have a wife who is an awesome mom to our kids, a loving spouse to an often times undeserving husband, and the rock that the foundation of our happy home is built on!  I'm not going to get all mushy and sentimental today, I've waxed poetic on the wonders of Leslie many times, but I will leave this weeks blog with a song that I really love and makes me reflect on how good I really have it.  "Just Breathe" by Pearl Jam, pretty much says it all!

"...Did I say that I need you?
Did I say that I want you?
Oh if I didn't I'm a fool you see,
No one knows this more than me,
as I come clean.."

Enjoy, and until next time, love one another and every thing else will work itself out!

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